Dear Nina,I’m finishing up a long-term contract soon and need to update my CV. What does a good tech CV look like? What should I include and what should I leave out?Stephen, NSW.


Dear Stephen,

It’s always a good idea to review and update your CV after finishing a long-term contract or job and jumping back into jobseeker mode. While there’s no ideal no one-size-fits-all approach, there are a few key sections that should always be included in a CV. These include:

The essentials

Your full name and key contact details, such as your phone number, address and email. You can also include a link to your LinkedIn profile. If you do, just make sure your LinkedIn details are up to date as well.

About me

This is a succinct summary of between five and ten lines on what you have done in your career and what you’re looking for in your next tech role.

Skill set

Your skill set includes both technical skills (i.e. Java, Selenium and APIs) and personal skills (i.e. quick learner, great communicator). Don’t forget to list both types.


This should include formal academic qualifications (i.e. degrees) and any other short courses you may have completed. Be sure to include the location and dates of each qualification.

Work experience

Each role or project should be presented consistently. Ideally in this format:

  • Name of the company ­– Your start-date to end-date in the role/project.
  • Job title
  • Technology used: List any technology used in the role or project, for example, Agile environment, Selenium, Jira, etc.
  • Responsibilities: Focus on your key responsibilities in the role. Aim to make this no longer than 10 bullet points.
  • Achievements: Around five lines that capture what you feel you achieved in each role.

Too often, we come across CVs that are just too long. Length-wise, your CV shouldn’t exceed five to six pages. Proofread your CV before you send it out to ensure it doesn’t have any mistakes and tailor your CV to best reflect the roles or projects you’re applying for. This may be as simple as editing back or removing sections that aren’t directly relevant to those roles.

In addition, use resources available to you. Ask your recruiter for feedback and guidance. We’re here to help. We see CVs on a daily basis and talk to clients so know exactly what they need and are looking for. We’ll work with you to ensure that your CV best reflects your skills and experience and helps you get that next big project or role you want.

– Nina M, CoTalent.

If you’re a jobseeker looking for your next technology opportunity, take a look at our current job openings.